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(58/185) 138 - SideKick: Option to "stick" to one editpane

Sometimes I like it that sidekick shows me the current buffer, even when I switch editpanes. Other times, I only want sidekick to show me what is in one editpane, and not the other (s).

Some kind of option perhaps that says "Do not change sidekick when a different splitpane is selected", so that if SideKick gets buffer changing messages on other EditPanes, and sidekick has parsed the correct buffer, they are simply ignored.

Submitted ezust - 2009-07-05 21:18:34 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2009-07-05 21:19:56

If you explicitly parse a buffer while in a different editpane, then that editpane becomes the "sticky" pane for sidekick in the future.

2009-07-05 21:32:01

- **assigned_to**: nobody --> ezust

2011-01-28 02:09:27

- **assigned_to**: ezust --> nobody